Chief Minister Shri Bhupesh Baghel performs yoga at his residence on International Yoga Day In these times of corona-crisis, the relevance...
Chief Minister Shri Bhupesh Baghel performs yoga at his residence on International Yoga Day
In these times of corona-crisis, the relevance of yoga has increased even more
Raipur, 21 June 2021
Chief Minister Shri Bhupesh Baghel performed various yoga postures in the morning at his Raipur residence office on the seventh International Yoga Day today. On this occasion, while congratulating and wishing the people of the state on Yoga Day, he appealed people to compulsorily include yoga in their daily routine.
Chief Minister Shri Baghel has said in his message that Yoga is very important for us. Those who do yoga regularly are always healthy and in this period of Covid-19, it has become clear that not only wealth is important, but both a healthy body and a healthy mind are needed. Therefore, regular yoga is very important to stay healthy. Yoga is our ancient tradition. Our sages had known its importance long ago, so they used to do yoga regularly. All of us had forgotten this during the race for materialistic pursuits. But the corona period made us all health conscious and at such times if we all do yoga regularly, then the body will also be healthy and the mind will also be healthy.There will be positivity in your life. So, practice yoga regularly, take advantage of it. People of entire Chhattisgarh should adopt yoga along with their families. Shri Baghel said that if both body and mind remain healthy, then we will be able to face any adverse situation.
The Chief Minister said that at present, we have taken only material means as the measure of success, whereas without a healthy body and a healthy mind every success is incomplete. In these times of corona-crisis, the relevance of yoga has increased even more. Chhattisgarh government has also arranged for training of yoga through virtual medium, everyone must take advantage of it. We can make the dream of Garhbo Nava Chhattisgarh come true only by staying fit with our body and mind.
On the occasion of International Yoga Day, a virtual yoga marathon was organized in the state of Chhattisgarh. More than 10 lakh people have registered themselves to participate in it. Lakhs of people participated in the Virtual Yoga Marathon on the appeal of Chief Minister Shri Bhupesh Baghel and gave the message to make Yoga a part of life.
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